

David Lee, Shirley Shi
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NTD International Chinese Culinary Competition Kicks off in Times Square
1. culinary: [ˋkju:lineri] a. 烹飪的
2. kick off: 開始
3. arena: [əˋri:nə] n.競技場
4. anticipation: [æn͵tisiˋpeiʃən] n. 期待
5. chef: [ʃɛf] n. 主廚
6. pagodas: [pəˋgəudə] n. 涼亭
7. spectator: [spekˋteitə] n. 觀眾
8. Black Bean Sauce: n.phr. 黑豆豉

September 22nd and NTD’s 4th International Chinese Culinary Competition is kicking off in New York.

[Ben Hedges, NTD Reporter]:
「For two days only, New York City’s Times Square has been turned into the kitchen arena of Chang’an, the capital of China’s Tang Dynasty.」
新唐人記者Ben Hedges:

Pagodas line the streets in anticipation of culinary magic.

[Kean Wong, Host]:
「Top chefs from around the world will be competing in one of five traditional Chinese cuisines of Sichuan, Shandong, Cantonese, Huaiyang and North Eastern cuisine.」
主持人,Kean Wang:

NTD’s President Lee Zhong sounds the gong for the first round of today’s competition to start.

「Xianzai Kaishi!」 (Now we begin!)
As the chefs fire up their woks, we talk to spectators about what they think of Chinese cuisine.

[Ben Hedges, NTD Reporter]:
「I’m here with Jim and Maureen from Philadelphia, they’re just visiting New York. Jim what do you think of Chinese food?」
新唐人記者Ben Hedges:

Jim said:「「Love it! Who doesn’t?」

[Ben Hedges, NTD Reporter]:
「And what’s your favorite dish?」
新唐人記者Ben Hedges:

「Anything with Black Bean Sauce.」

9. Cashew :[ˋkæʃu] n. 腰果
10. cuisine : [kwiˋzi:n] n. 菜餚
11. Stove : [stov] n. 火爐
12. ethnically : [ˋeθnikli] ad. 種族上
13. contestant : [kənˋtestənt] n. 參加競賽者
14. revive : [riˋvaiv] v. 復興
15. alter : [ˋɔ:ltə] v. 改變
16. persist in :堅持
17. preserve : [priˋzə:v] v. 保存

「I usually like the Chickens, Cashew chickens.」

[Ben Hedges, NTD Reporter]:
「Were you surprised to find a Chinese cooking competition right here in the heart of Times Square?」
新唐人記者Ben Hedges:

「Yes, I was actually. We saw it from our hotel window.」
[Ben Hedges NTD Reporter]:
「Some of the world’s top Chinese chefs are slaving over hot stoves, competing for the grand prize it’s time to see what’s cooking.」
新唐人記者Ben Hedges:

In the first round of today’s competition chefs have to prepare two dishes in the North Eastern style. They are given just 45 minutes.

Matthew Babbage, the competition’s only ethnically western contestant and experienced Sichuan style chef says speed is important.

[Matthew Babbage, Contestant from USA]:
「I will be happy if I complete both dishes in 45 minutes. Winning is not what’s important, being part of this and learning about the tradition and the culture through food is what’s important to me.」

And it’s tradition that NTD’s competition is seeking to revive.

[Yuan Xiangyong, Contestant from Ireland]:
「Today much of Chinese cuisine has been altered – it has been westernized. We need to persist in protecting traditional Chinese culture and preserving the original flavor.」
來自愛爾蘭的參賽者Yuan Xiangyong說:
「今天許多中國菜已經被改變了 – 它已被西方化。我們必須持續保護中國傳統文化,保存它原有的風味。」

Once cooked, dishes are taken off to a panel of expert judges who judge the food on its most fundamental quality – the flavor. Fancy presentation isn’t part of traditional Chinese cooking and chefs may even lose points for wasting time on presentation.

Despite the differences in style, Western spectators are still impressed.

[Leslie, Guatamalan Tourist]:
「I think it is an art. It’s an art the way they prepare it, and also it’s an art to enjoy it.」
After the preliminaries the winning chefs will go through to Friday’s final where they will compete for the gold prize of ten thousand dollars.


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