

Daniel Chen, David Lee
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British Leaders Join in Paralympic Games Day
1. Paralympic Games :ph. 帕運會;傷殘奧運
2. Team up with: ph. 與…合作
3. Crowd pleaser: ph. 受人喜愛的活動
4. Crisscross:v. [ˋkrɪs͵krɔs] 縱橫交錯
5. Hefty: adj. [ˋhɛftɪ] 重的
6. Adamant :adj. [ˋædəmənt] 堅定不移的
7. In conjunction with: ph. 與…一道
8. Climax: n. [ˋklaɪmæks] 頂點;高潮
9. Sprint :v. [sprɪnt] 短跑
10. Prosthetic :adj. [prɑsˋθɛtɪk] 義肢的
11. Spinal cord: ph. 脊椎神經
12. Archery: n. [ˋɑrtʃərɪ] 射箭運動

British Prime Minister David Cameron teamed up with Paralympian tennis player Josh Steels on Thursday to play against London’s Mayor Boris Johnson and John Parfitt.

The match came when Cameron met athletes and organizers during a Paralympics Day in London’s Trafalgar Square. It’s a day before tickets for the 2012 Paralympic Games went on sale.

Though short in length, the match was a crowd pleaser.

While the Paralympians criss-crossed the court, Johnson dealt some hefty smashes to the prime minister, winning the game.

Johnson was adamant that the Paralympic Games in London would be promoted in conjunction with the summer Games in the city.

[Boris Johnson, London Mayor]:
“There are going to be two fantastic sporting events in the summer of 2012 – Two climaxes, one is the Olympics and next is the Paralympic Games. And I really hope that people will sign up tomorrow for those tickets.”

Among the athletes were multiple medal winner in swimming Ellie Simmonds – looking forward to London 2012 – and Ireland’s Jason Smyth, the fastest Paralympian who has run the 100 metres in 10.22.

Heinrich Popow of Leverkusen in Germany is another successful athlete, sprinting in the T42 class.

Popow was happy to show visiting schoolchildren how his prosthetic leg worked, and ran a few races with them.

[Heinrich Popow, German Athlete]:
“You know in Athens, I think we start in Athens to get professional. In Beijing was good but the people was not into the sport, they didn’t know what happened on the track. I think in London we have the best professional games for us athletes.”

The Paralympic movement began at the 1948 London Olympics for former servicemen and women with spinal cord injuries. They competed in wheelchair races and archery.


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