

Jessie Chen, David Lee
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NY Mosque Vigil on Eve of 9/11


1. mosque: n. 清真寺
2. vigil: n. 守夜
3. VEid al-Fitr: n. 開齋節
4. obvious: adj. 明顯的
5. in addition to: ph. 除..之外
6. controversial: adj. 爭議的
7. protest: v. 抗議
8. divide: v. 使對立、分裂
9. rally: n. 集會
10. out of: ph. 由於(原因、動機)

[Talim Abdur-Rashid, Imam and Director of Majlis Ash-Shura]:
“We were all attacked that day, and we all died that day, and we all responded that day.”
“我們那天都被攻擊,在同天死去,也都回應了那一天。 “

On the eve of the 9th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, a vigil near Ground Zero in New York marking the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr.
911 攻擊事件九週年前夕,夜禱活動在世貿中心遺址附近展開,並開始伊斯蘭的開齋節。

[Talim Abdur-Rashid, Imam and Director of Majlis Ash-Shura]:
“And so when we look at the list of three thousand who lost their lives, there are people named there whose names are of obvious Muslim origin.”
伊瑪目和伊斯蘭議會主席: “所以當我們看著3,000位死亡名單,在那唸出的名字中,有人顯然來自伊斯蘭教。

In addition to celebrating Eid, the vigil was a show of support for a controversial Islamic community center and mosque planned for the area.

Hundreds from all different faiths attended.

Falling just before the 9/11 anniversary, Eid came at a unique time this year.

[Rabyaah Althaibani, Vigil Participant, Muslim]:
“It is different because it is so close to 9/11 and because of what has been happening with the Park 51 [mosque site] controversy. It’s unfortunate but we have no choice of when a Eid [al-Fitr] is going to come. But it’s definitely different this year.”
一位參與夜禱的伊斯蘭教徒Rabyaah Althaibani說: “這是不一樣的,因為它與911如此接近,,還有發生在51號公園(清真寺地點)的爭議。不幸地,但我們無法選擇開齋節何時到來。但今年肯定很不同。 “

[Shabnam Merali, Vigil Participant, Muslim]:
“This Eid [al-Fitr] is very spiritual. Because coming here and looking at people, and it is exciting to see that American people are Vprotesting for the mosque. They are so happy about it. There are not a lot of Muslims here, I was surprised.”
另一位參與夜禱的伊斯蘭教徒Shabnam Merali說: “這個開齋節很有精神意義。因為來這裡看到很多人,看到美國人民正為清真寺抗議是令人興奮的。他們對此感到開心。我很驚訝這裡看不到很多伊斯蘭教徒。 “
The proposed mosque and Islamic center had divided the American public, and rallies are planned for Saturday supporting and opposing the project.
But this group decided to rally on Friday instead – out of respect for victims and families of the 9/11 attacks.

Nearly 3,000 people were killed when al Qaeda hijackers crashed two passenger jets into the World Trade Center’s twin towers.

Memorial services planned for Saturday remember the dead with readings of their names, and moments of silence.

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