

Chia-Chin Ho, David Lee
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Earthquake Shakes Mexico


1. magnitude:n. 地震強度的級數
2. panic :v. 使驚慌失措
3. collapse :v. 倒塌、坍塌
4. trap:v. 受困、陷入困境
5. retaining wall:n. 擋土牆
6. shallow:adj. 淺層的
7. aftershock:n. 餘震
8. epicenter:n. 震央
9. jolt:v. 震動、搖動
10. tremor :n. 震動
11. wake-up call:n. 警示
12. tremor-prone:n. 地震好發的地帶


The 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked buildings and panicked residents from Tijuana to Los Angeles.

One person died when a house in Mexicali collapsed, according to Alfredo Escobedo, a director of emergency services in Baja California state. He says that others are reportedly trapped in elevators. Retaining walls have collapsed in some places and electricity was out in several parts of the state.
根據下加利福尼亞州緊急救災處的組長Alfredo Escobedo表示,在Mexicali有一幢房子倒塌,造成一人死亡。他說,據報導有些人被困在電梯裡。有些地方的擋土牆倒塌,好幾個地區停電。

The relatively shallow quake was centered in a lightly populated area in northeastern Baja California, knocking out power in parts of the city and cutting off most telecommunications.

A series of aftershocks rocked the area around the epicenter, 30 miles (50 km) to the southeast of Mexicali, and close to the town of Guadalupe Victoria.
一連串的餘震發生在震央附近的地區,距Mexicali東南方30英里(50公里)的地方,且離Guadalupe Victoria這城鎮很近。

In Tijuana, about 135 miles (200 km) away from the epicenter, the quake visibly jolted cars in a parking lot and shook computers. A highway between Tijuana and Mexicali was badly damaged.
在提瓦納,離震央約 135英里(200公里)處,劇烈的地震讓那些停在停車場的車搖個不停,也使得桌上的電腦不停的搖晃。提瓦納和Mexicali之間的高速公路也受到嚴重損壞。

[Tijuana Earthquake Witness]:
“It was terrible; terrible; terrible. But it’s ok, everything is calm.”

Another local resident said that his entire home shook due to the tremors.

[Tijuana Earthquake Witness]:
“I was at my house and I felt it strongly. Everything shook. It was a serious wake-up call.”

Local civil defense officials inspected apartment buildings and ordered residents away.

[Marta Arce, Tijuana Earthquake Witness]:
“They told us to walk away and out of the buildings. We have a big building and it shook at least three times, and then once very slowly.”
[Marta Arce,提瓦納地震的目擊者]:

Devastating earthquakes in Haiti and Chile this year have left many people nervous across tremor-prone Latin America.


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