

流行美語 第322課


Larry正在幫李華填稅表。今天我們要學兩個常用語:playing with fire和do it for me.

LH: Jeez, Larry. 美國報稅怎麼這麼麻煩。要我說,定個25%什麼的,所有人的收入都按這個稅率交,那多簡單。

LL: But Lihua, if it were so simple, all those accountants wouldn’t have jobs. Wouldn’t that be terrible?

LH: 我可管不了那麼多。對了,Larry, 你說,如果我把貓算做撫養對像來抵稅的話,稅務局會不會發現?

LL: Mr. Cuddles is very smart for a cat, but I don’t think he counts as a child. Even though you might not get caught, it would still be playing with fire.

LH: Playing with fire? 玩火,我報稅不老實,跟玩火有關係嗎?

LL: Actually, Li Hua, when you say someone is playing with fire, it means that she is doing something risky.

LH: 哦,我明白了。 Playing with fire不是說真去玩火,而是指做某些危險的事情。

LL: Bingo. For example, say I noticed that you’ve been putting on weight lately. I could suggest you try to lose some weight, but if I know anything about women, that would definitely be playing with fire.

LH: 算你聰明。勸女孩子減肥,那你可是引火燒身。不過,Larry, 報稅實在太無聊了。不如別報了,咱們去看電影吧。

LL: But Lihua, the deadline is coming up soon! If we wait until the last minute to send it in, we’ll really be playing with fire.

LH: 這倒也是。如果報稅過了最後期限,那可是自找麻煩。有了,不如我們花點錢,在網上找家報稅公司,讓他們去做吧!

LL: I don’t know, Lihua. Lots of those Web sites don’t seem trustworthy. If you gave them a lot of your personal information, you would really be playing with fire.

LH: 有道理。如果個人信息在網上被駭客偷走,那才真是玩火呢。看來,還是要求你幫忙。

LL: No problem. That’s what I’m here for.

LH: 你說,如果把我的婚姻狀況填成已婚,能不能少交點稅?

LL: Lihua, you are definitely playing with fire.



LH: 啊… 終於填完了。我現在最大的願望就是搬到Cayman Island去,每天都是明媚的陽光和溫暖的沙灘,而且不用交稅。

LL: Yeah, but what about Mr. Cuddles? I think he would be really hot, and he would get lots of sand in his fur.

LH: 那不行。我們家Cuddles可不能受半點委屈。要不,我把他寄養在你家吧?

LL: I don’t think so, Lihua. Cats don’t do it for me.

LH: Cats don’t do what for you, Larry? 我們家Mr. Cuddles能做不少把戲呢!不信你試試看!

LL: Actually, when you say that something doesn’t do it for you, it means you don’t really like it.

LH: 哦,我知道了,說一件事情do not do it for me, 就是說不合我的口味,我不喜歡。

LL: Exactly! Or for example, do you know how lots of men think Angelina Jolie is really beautiful?

LH: Larry, 你最好小心!如果你是哪個女明星的粉絲的話,最好不要說出來,否則的話….

LL: Actually, what I was going to say is that although lots of men think Angelina Jolie is really beautiful, she doesn’t really do it for me.

LH: 哦,原來Angelina Jolie不是你喜歡的類型。She is not your type.

LL: You got it. But now that we’re finished with your taxes, let’s go out and have some fun. Do you want to go out to a restaurant for dinner?

LH: 好啊。還去上個月去過的那家墨西哥餐館怎麼樣?我太喜歡吃墨西哥菜了!

LL: Yeah…it wasn’t too bad, but to be honest, it didn’t really do it for me. Let’s go somewhere that we both really love.

LH: It didn’t do it for you? 你竟然覺得一般?好吧,今天聽你的,誰讓你幫我報稅呢!

LL: Hmm … Say, you know what restaurant really did it for me? The Italian restaurant downtown we went to last week.

LH: 慢著慢著,那次吃完意大利菜,你不是鬧肚子來著嗎?I think going there might be playing with fire. 你再去不是「玩火」嗎?

LL: Yeah, it made me sick later, but the food was so delicious it was worth it.

今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是playing with fire, 意思是做危險的事情,玩火。另一個是do it for me意思是合乎我的口味和愛好。 (//www.dajiyuan.com)