

流行美語 第321課

【大紀元2月25日訊】李華來找Larry,Larry正坐在沙發上發呆。今天我們要學兩個常用語:chilling和Oh Snap.

LH: Hey Larry, 想什麼呢?

LL: Oh you know, just chilling.

LH: 是啊,房間裡好像是有點冷,我去把溫度調高。

LL: What? Oh, no, I’m not chilly, I’m chilling.

LH: Chilly不就是涼颼颼的意思嗎?

LL: Oh, not chilly. If you’re chilly, you’re cold. But if you’re chilling it means you’re just hanging out.

LH: 哦,我明白了。你說的chilling就是放鬆、閒待著的意思。你今天不是有很多事情要做嗎?還不趕快行動起來。

LL: Well to be honest Li Hua, I have a bit of headache, so I kind of just want to lay about and chill for a bit.

LH: 頭疼?你是不是生病了?發燒嗎?要不要去看醫生?

LL: I don’t think I’m sick. I just had a bit too much to drink at Jimmy’s birthday party last night.

LH: 哦,原來是昨天喝多了,難怪頭疼。你看上去臉色是不太好。

LL: Tell me about it. Now I just want to lay around and chill.

LH: 昨天晚上Jimmy的生日派對還真熱鬧。我玩得特別開心。

LL: I had a really good time too. Though I have this nightmarish bruise on my leg and couldn’t figure out where I got it.

LH: 哈!你真的一點都不記得了?

LL: What? What happened?

LH: 昨天Jimmy的女朋友沒站穩,把椅子碰倒,撞到了你的腿上。看來你真是喝多了。So you’re just chillin’ here all day?

LL: I think so. I need to get some groceries and pick up my dry cleaning, but I don’t really feel up to it for right now. I just want to chill.

LH: 確實,昨天折騰到那麼晚,我今天也不太想動。I could stand for some chillin’ too. 電視裡有什麼好節目嗎?

LL: Eh, not really. I have been watching some reruns. Ghost busters, The Lord of the Rings part II, Titanic….

LH: WOW, you really are chillin’.

LL: Yeah. I have taken chillin’ to a new level.

LH: 你再這樣chill下去,小心粘在沙發上站不起來了。

LL: Then I would be complete….



LL: The movie is terrible. I’ve seen paint dry with more plot development. Oh snap!

LH: 不簡單,這麼無聊的電影咱倆居然能從頭看到尾。不過Larry, 你剛才說的Oh Snap是什麼意思?

LL: Oh snap! It is an exclamation used to indicate that a witty thing has just been said. For instance, if we go out for dinner and I forget my wallet, you could say, “What a surprise, I have to pay as usual. Oh snap!”

LH: 噢,原來是感歎詞。那我上次跟朋友約好早上一起去跑步,結果睡過了頭,他就可以說,You sleep more than a bear in hibernation. Oh snap!

LL: Yeah, but you have to say it like you mean it.

LH: OK, let me try. 這電影太沒勁了,我一直在打哈欠。Oh Snack! wait…. not snack. One more time. Oh Snap!

LL: Now you’re getting it.

LH: Oh Snap. 我完全忘記了今天十一點半約好了去看牙。

LL: Man, you have got the memory of a goldfish. Oh Snap!

LH: 有個病人臨時取消,我才約到今天。 我得趕緊走,不然要晚了。 怎麼樣,要不要陪我去?

LL: No thanks. I don’t think I’m alone in wanting to avoid the dentist office.

LH: Oh snap!

LL: Plus, I have been working overtime the whole week, and I just want to lay on the couch and chill on my day off.

LH: You’re getting to be an expert at that. Oh snap! 好吧,那我自己去,哎呀,我手機呢?

(Cell Phone Ringing)

LH: (Answering the phone) Hello….Yes. I am on my way. Thanks…. (對Larry說)這家診所真不錯,居然還會打電話來提醒我。我走了,Bye…

今天李華學了兩個常用語,一個是chilling, 意思是放鬆;另一個是Oh Snap是感歎詞。 (//www.dajiyuan.com)