

Jessie Chen, David lee
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South Korean Aquarium Celebrates Christmas with Fish Performances


1. acquarium: n. [əˋkwɛrɪəm]水族館
2. around the corner: ph. [əˋraʊndðəˋkɔrnɚ] 即將來臨、在附近
3. treat: n. [trit] 難得的樂事
4. feed: v. [fid]餵
5. come up: ph. [kʌm ʌp] 被提出、被討論
6. school: n. [skul] 魚群
7. form: v. [fɔrm] 形成
8. diver: n. [ˋdaɪvɚ] 潛水員
9. swan around: ph. [swɑn əˋraʊnd] 漂游
10. gather: v. [ˋgæðɚ] 聚集
11. electric eel: n. [ɪˋlɛktrɪk il] 電鰻
12. current: n. [ˋkɝənt] 電流

A South Korean aquarium in Seoul has created a special performance to welcome Christmas, which is just around the corner.

As a holiday treat, “Santa Claus” made his appearance in the large tank where he fed and danced with more than 12-thousand sardines.

[Oh Young-hwan, Diver, Coax Aquarium]:
“We were thinking about Christmas presents for our sardines and sea turtles living in the aquarium and we came up with this event that Santa Claus is giving the feed to them.”

Schools of shiny silver sardines followed the feed in the Santa diver‘s hands, forming various shapes as they swan around the tank.

A group of school children and visitors gathered to watch the performance.

[Seo Jeong-won, Visitor]:
“It was a fantastic show. The sardines made beautiful movements and it was a joy to watch. I’m sure this will be a great memory for my daughter.”
[遊客,Seo Jeong-won說]:
「 這是一場很精彩的表演。沙丁魚游的姿態很美,看這個表演很愉快。我相信這會帶給我女兒很棒的回憶。」

The aquarium also displayed a Christmas tree with lights powered by a tank of electric eels.

An aquarium official said that an electronic eel could produce a maximum 800-volt current while it hunts for food.

* * *
It was a fantastic show.

I’m sure this will be a great memory for my daughter.

本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw

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