



Underwater Cycling and Skiing Proves Challenging





1. season [ˋsizN ; ˈsiːzn] : n. 季節;時期

2. competition [ˏkɑmpəˋtɪʃən ; ˏkɑːmpəˈtɪʃn] : n. 比賽;競賽

3. contest [kɑnˋtɛst ; ˈkɑːntest] : n. 競爭

4. attempt [əˋtɛmpt ; əˈtempt] : v. 努力;試圖

Members of a Siberian diver’s club mark the end of the season with a cycling and skiing competition – only this contest takes place at the bottom of Lake Baikal.

數位西伯利亞的潛水俱樂部成員,以騎單車及滑冰競賽的方式,來標記季節的尾聲─ ─只是這項競賽是在貝加爾湖的水面下舉行。

Fifteen divers attempted to cycle or ski in three-meter-deep water — most not very successfully said club director, Andrei Baranovski.

十五位潛水者試圖在三公尺深水中騎單車或滑冰,Andrei Baranovski俱樂部主任表示:大多數都並非很成功。

5. behave [bɪˋhev ; bɪˈheɪv] : v. 表現;表現得體

6. pedal [ˋpɛdL ; ˈpedl] : n. 踏板;腳蹬子

7. saddle [ˋsædL ; ˈsædl] : n. 馬鞍;(腳踏車或機車的)坐墊

8. adjustment [əˋdʒʌst] : n. 調節;調整

[Andrei Baranovski, Diving Club Director]:

“It is interesting to see how the skis and bicycles behave underwater. A bicycle tends to go up, and so do skis. As soon as you put pressure on the pedals the bicycle rises up. That is why the divers had to regulate the center of the weight and had to sit lower in the saddle in order to move forward.”

潛水俱樂部主任Andrei Baranovski說:“觀看在水面下滑冰及騎單車的動作表現,相當有趣。單車傾向往上,滑冰板也是。你將壓力放在踏板上的同時,車也向上升起。這就是為何潛水者們必須控制重心,並且必須坐低坐墊,才能向前進。

A fewV competitors did manage to move forward instead of up.


But diver, Michael Shuyupov, says the bicycles need some adjustment.


[Michael Shuyupov, Diver]:

“We managed to ride, we went forward. But we should make the bicycles a bit heavier so that they don’t go upwards.”


9. valuable [ˋvæljUəbL ; ˈvæljuəbl] : adj. 貴重的;值錢的

10. perhaps [pɚˋhæps ; pərˈhæps] : adv. 也許;大概;可能

11. eccentric [ɪkˈsentrɪk ; ɪkˋsɛntrɪk] : adj. 古怪的

12. annual [ˋænjUəl ; ˈænjuəl] : adj. 每年的;一年一次的

Competitors say they learned valuable lessons about the behavior of objects underwater.


And perhaps this will be the start of an eccentric annual tradition.



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