

Chia-Chin Ho, David Lee
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Japan: Hydrogen Bicycles to Reduce Carbon Emissions

1. carbon :n. 化學元素 — 碳
2. hydrogen :n. 化學元素 — 氫
3. replace :v. 取代、替代
4. pedal: v. 踩踏板,騎(腳踏車)
5. fuel :n. 燃料
6. onboard: adj. 附載在車上的

In an effort to reduce carbon emissions, airport staff is testing hydrogen powered bicycles to replace cars to get around the airport facility.

[Yuko Tsubone, Airport Employee]:
“Because (the airport) is really large, it makes it easier to get around. I also think it’s really nice since you can pedal without having to put in a lot of effort, and so you don’t get tired.”

[Yuko Tsubone, 機場員工]:

The bicycle uses a hydrogen fuel cell to charge the onboard battery, similar to that used in an electric assisted bicycle. The system allows users to quickly fill up on hydrogen instead of waiting for a battery to charge.

7. oxygen :n. 化學元素 — 氧
8. convert :v. 轉換
9. cartridge :n. 在此為盛裝氫氣的器具
10. emit: v. 排放
11. steam :n. 水蒸氣
12. carbon dioxide:n. 二氧化碳

The fuel cell generates electricity through an electrochemical reaction. Hydrogen is broken down and then combined with oxygen converting chemical energy into electrical energy.

[Yusuke Nagai, Hydrogen Energy Dept., Iwatani Corp.]:
“The bicycle has a hydrogen cartridge and fuel cell inside. The hydrogen is sent to the fuel cell, and the electricity that is produced is then used to provide the power to assist pedaling.”
[Yusuke Nagai, 氫氣能源部門, Iwatani 公司]:

The main benefit of using hydrogen as the energy source for the bicycles is that it is 100 percent environmentally friendly. The only waste product is water which emits only steam rather than carbon dioxide.


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